This girl


There was a confused girl who wanted to please, wanted to do the right thing and be the right person for everyone but at the same time so fed up with rules, regulations, and happy faces. In the midst of life, in the midst of the norm, she had a fire burning inside of her that wanted out. It wanted to be released. She was tired of being told of only impossibilities, tired of all the limits set around her. Tired of control. Tired of making her self everyone’s savior. Tired of perfection and safety. She was tired of the robotic dreamless days that were all too common. Tired of apathy.

There came a point that she listened to the permission of her Father instead of every other voice, including her own doubts and fears. She listened to the permission from her God to burn.

That girl found her voice. She found her power. She found herself when she gave up all she knew. She found herself in the surrender. She felt all the heaviness lift off.

Shameless. Forgiven. On the edge of her wild “yes”. In her mourning she found joy. And yes, there was mourning. A lot of mourning. She didn’t know if she would get through the mourning. But hallelujah  she did. And what a roar that burst forth! A roar of expression. It was joy that rose up in her. As she stared at fear in its face. Her eyes open now, she chose the walk of freedom, the walk of peace.

She no longer gave people permission to rule her decisions. She no longer tried to fix the messy. She let go of all fear, obligation, and guilt. They rolled off her back like water, and she stepped right over them as she walked on.

With the future bright ahead, where dreaming hadn’t been a consideration… now dreams opened up and possibilities bloomed.

Stuck wasn’t in her vocabulary.

“Grace had kissed her eyelids and wrapped her in their ropes.”

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